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Django Asynchronous Processing

I have a bunch of Django requests which executes some mathematical computations ( written in C and executed via a Cython module ) which may take an indeterminate amount ( on the order of 1 second ) of time to execute. Also the requests don't need to access the database and are all independent of each other and Django.

Right now everything is synchronous ( using Gunicorn with sync worker types ) but I'd like to make this asynchronous and nonblocking. In short I'd like to do something:

  1. Receive the AJAX request
  2. Allocate task to an available worker ( without blocking the main Django web application )
  3. Worker executes task in some unknown amount of time
  4. Django returns the result of the computation (a list of strings) as JSON whenever the task completes

I am very new to asynchronous Django, and so my question is what is the best stack for doing this.

Is this sort of process something a task queue is well suited for? Would anyone recommend Tornado + Celery + RabbitMQ, or perhaps something else?

Thanks in advance!

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Stephen Diehl Avatar asked Dec 26 '10 21:12

Stephen Diehl

People also ask

Is Django good for asynchronous?

Django has support for writing asynchronous (“async”) views, along with an entirely async-enabled request stack if you are running under ASGI. Async views will still work under WSGI, but with performance penalties, and without the ability to have efficient long-running requests.

Does Django have asynchronous?

Latest version of the popular Python web framework also provides an asynchronous interface for all data access operations. Django 4.1, a new version of the major Python-based web framework, adds capabilities such as asynchronous handlers and an ORM interface but also makes some backward-incompatible changes.

Is Django ORM async?

The ORM is undoubtedly one of the most complex parts of Django and now it is capable of running async queries with the new QuerySet APIs without any major breaking backwards-incompatible changes!

What is asynchronous task in Django?

An async view function in Django is detected by the annotation async def , which then runs the async view in a thread within its own event loop. This gives the benefit of being able to do and run tasks concurrently inside the async views.

1 Answers

Celery would be perfect for this.

Since what you're doing is relatively simple (read: you don't need complex rules about how tasks should be routed), you could probably get away with using the Redis backend, which means you don't need to setup/configure RabbitMQ (which, in my experience, is more difficult).

I use Redis with the most a dev build of Celery, and here are the relevant bits of my config:

# Use redis as a queue
BROKER_BACKEND = "kombu.transport.pyredis.Transport"
BROKER_HOST = "localhost"

# Store results in redis
REDIS_HOST = "localhost"
REDIS_DB = "0"

I'm also using django-celery, which makes the integration with Django happy.

Comment if you need any more specific advice.

like image 193
David Wolever Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

David Wolever