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Django Aggregation: Summation of Multiplication of two fields

I have a model something like this:

class Task(models.Model):
    progress = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    estimated_days = models.PositiveIntegerField()

Now I would like to do a calculation Sum(progress * estimated_days) on the database level. Using Django Aggregation I can have the sum for each field but not the summation of multiplication of fields.

like image 751
Raunak Agarwal Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 18:08

Raunak Agarwal

3 Answers

With Django 1.8 and above you can now pass an expression to your aggregate:

 from django.db.models import F

 Task.objects.aggregate(total=Sum(F('progress') * F('estimated_days')))['total']

Constants are also available, and everything is combinable:

 from django.db.models import Value

 Task.objects.aggregate(total=Sum('progress') / Value(10))['total']
like image 69
kmmbvnr Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11


Update: for Django >= 1.8 please follow the answer provided by @kmmbvnr

it's possible using Django ORM:

here's what you should do:

from django.db.models import Sum

total = ( Task.objects
                total=Sum('progress', field="progress*estimated_days")

Note: if the two fields are of different types, say integer & float, the type you want to return should be passed as the first parameter of Sum

It's a late answer, but I guess it'll help someone looking for the same.

like image 22
sha256 Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 10:11


The solution depends on Django version.

  • django < 1.8

    from django.db.models import Sum
    MyModel.objects.filter(<filters>).aggregate(Sum('field1', field="field1*field2"))
  • django >= 1.8

    from django.db.models import Sum, F
like image 36
Antstud Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 11:11
