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Django admin site: how to create a single page for global settings?

I would like to create a single page in the admin site of django where I can change some global variables of the website (title of the website, items in the navigation menu, etc). At the moment I have them coded as context processors but I would like to make them editable. Something similar to what happens in WordPress.

Is this possible?

  • I can store the data in the databse, but can I have a link in the admin site that goes straight to the first document record and doesnt allow the creation of multiple records (they wouldnt make sense)
  • Instead of creating a model in the database, would it be possible to change some context_processor from the admin site (I think this would be best)
like image 830
Matt Jakob Avatar asked Oct 06 '10 01:10

Matt Jakob

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Django admin allows access to users marked as is_staff=True . To disable a user from being able to access the admin, you should set is_staff=False . This holds true even if the user is a superuser. is_superuser=True .

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Django Admin's task is to provide an interface to the admin of the web project. Django's Docs clearly state that Django Admin is not made for frontend work.

1 Answers

django-preferences does exactly what you are looking for. The implementation is a bit hacky (particularly the setting of __module__ on the model class to trick Django into thinking it was loaded from a different app), but it works.

like image 154
Carl Meyer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Carl Meyer