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Django admin -- restricting access by user

I was wondering if the django admin page can be used for external users.

Let's say that I have these models:

class Publisher(models.Model):
  admin_user = models.ForeignKey(Admin.User)

class Publication(models.Model):
  publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher)

I'm not exactly sure what admin_user would be -- perhaps it could be the email of an admin user?

Anyways. Is there a way allow an admin user to only add/edit/delete Publications whose publisher is associated with that admin user?

-Thanks! -Chris

like image 323
Chris Avatar asked Dec 06 '22 05:12


1 Answers

If you need finer-grained permissions in your own applications, it should be noted that Django's administrative application supports this, via the following methods which can be overridden on subclasses of ModelAdmin. Note that all of these methods receive the current HttpRequest object as an argument, allowing for customization based on the specific authenticated user:

  • queryset(self, request): Should return a QuerySet for use in the admin's list of objects for a model. Objects not present in this QuerySet will not be shown.
  • has_add_permission(self, request): Should return True if adding an object is permitted, False otherwise.
  • has_change_permission(self, request, obj=None): Should return True if editing obj is permitted, False otherwise. If obj is None, should return True or False to indicate whether editing of objects of this type is permitted in general (e.g., if False will be interpreted as meaning that the current user is not permitted to edit any object of this type).
  • has_delete_permission(self, request, obj=None): Should return True if deleting obj is permitted, False otherwise. If obj is None, should return True or False to indicate whether deleting objects of this type is permitted in general (e.g., if False will be interpreted as meaning that the current user is not permitted to delete any object of this type).


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Chris Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 03:12
