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Dividing the values of X-axis in Kibana-4

I have my X-axis,with numbers ranging from 100-1000. So while visualising I would like the numbers to be divided by 100 and then visualise it. Is there any way to do this in Kibana-4?

like image 596
Celestine Avatar asked Mar 31 '15 09:03


1 Answers

Right there below the Xaxis aggregation,as shown in the screenshot below,there is an "Advanced" option(red box 1),where you can find "JSON input" field(red box 2). enter image description here

There at the "JSON input" field you can add the following script and achieve the division of values displayed in X axis.


A more detailed explanation for this can be found in the official elasticsearch blog :https://www.elastic.co/blog/kibana-4-beta-2-get-now/

like image 102
Vineeth Mohan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09

Vineeth Mohan