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Dividing complex rows of dataframe to simple rows in Pyspark

I have this code:

from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row

sc = SparkContext()
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
documents = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
    Row(id=1, title=[Row(value=u'cars', max_dist=1000)]),
    Row(id=2, title=[Row(value=u'horse bus',max_dist=50), Row(value=u'normal bus',max_dist=100)]),
    Row(id=3, title=[Row(value=u'Airplane', max_dist=5000)]),
    Row(id=4, title=[Row(value=u'Bicycles', max_dist=20),Row(value=u'Motorbikes', max_dist=80)]),
    Row(id=5, title=[Row(value=u'Trams', max_dist=15)])])

#|id |title                             |
#|1  |[[1000,cars]]                     |
#|2  |[[50,horse bus], [100,normal bus]]|
#|3  |[[5000,Airplane]]                 |
#|4  |[[20,Bicycles], [80,Motorbikes]]  |
#|5  |[[15,Trams]]                      |

I need to split all compound rows (e.g. 2 & 4) to multiple rows while retaining the 'id', to get a result like this:

#|id |title                             |
#|1  |[1000,cars]                       |
#|2  |[50,horse bus]                    |
#|2  |[100,normal bus]                  |
#|3  |[5000,Airplane]                   |
#|4  |[20,Bicycles]                     |
#|4  |[80,Motorbikes]                   |
#|5  |[15,Trams]                        |
like image 336
K.Ali Avatar asked Mar 23 '16 19:03


People also ask

How do you split data in PySpark?

The PySpark SQL provides the split() function to convert delimiter separated String to an Array (StringType to ArrayType) column on DataFrame It can be done by splitting the string column on the delimiter like space, comma, pipe, etc. and converting it into ArrayType.

How do you slice a PySpark Dataframe in two row wise?

In this method, we are first going to make a PySpark DataFrame using createDataFrame(). We will then use randomSplit() function to get two slices of the DataFrame while specifying the fractions of rows that will be present in both slices. The rows are split up RANDOMLY.

2 Answers

Just explode it:

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode

documents.withColumn("title", explode("title"))
## +---+----------------+
## | id|           title|
## +---+----------------+
## |  1|     [1000,cars]|
## |  2|  [50,horse bus]|
## |  2|[100,normal bus]|
## |  3| [5000,Airplane]|
## |  4|   [20,Bicycles]|
## |  4| [80,Motorbikes]|
## |  5|      [15,Trams]|
## +---+----------------+
like image 117
zero323 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10


Ok, here is what I've come up with. Unfortunately, I had to leave the world of Row objects and enter the world of list objects because I couldn't find a way to append to a Row object.

That means this method is bit messy. If you can find a way to add a new column to a Row object, then this is NOT the way to go.

def add_id(row):
    it_list = []
    for i in range(0, len(row[1])):
        sm_list = []
        for j in row[1][i]:
    return it_list

with_id = documents.flatMap(lambda x: add_id(x))

df = with_id.map(lambda x: Row(id=x[2], title=Row(value=x[0], max_dist=x[1]))).toDF()

When I run df.show(), I get:

| id|           title|
|  1|     [cars,1000]|
|  2|  [horse bus,50]|
|  2|[normal bus,100]|
|  3| [Airplane,5000]|
|  4|   [Bicycles,20]|
|  4| [Motorbikes,80]|
|  5|      [Trams,15]|
like image 30
Katya Willard Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Katya Willard