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Divide a dictionary into variables [duplicate]

I am studying Python and currently going through some more learning with dictionaries.

I was wondering;

If I have a dictionary like: d = {'key_1': 'value_a', 'key_2': 'value_b'} and I want separate/divide this dictionary into variables where each variable is a key from the dictionary and each variables value is the value of that key in the dictionary.

What would be the best pythonic way to achieve this?

d = {'key_1': 'value_a', 'key_2': 'value_b'} #perform the command and get key_1 = 'value_a' key_2 = 'value_b' 

I tried: key_1, key_2 = d but it did not work.

Basically I am seeking expert's wisdom to find out if there is a better way to reduce 2 lines of code into one.

Note: This is not a dynamic variable creation.

like image 791
Phil Avatar asked Jun 22 '12 13:06


People also ask

How do you split a dictionary into values?

Method 1: Split dictionary keys and values using inbuilt functions. Here, we will use the inbuilt function of Python that is . keys() function in Python, and . values() function in Python to get the keys and values into separate lists.

How do you slice a dictionary in Python?

Given dictionary with value as lists, slice each list till K. Input : test_dict = {“Gfg” : [1, 6, 3, 5, 7], “Best” : [5, 4, 2, 8, 9], “is” : [4, 6, 8, 4, 2]}, K = 3 Output : {'Gfg': [1, 6, 3], 'Best': [5, 4, 2], 'is': [4, 6, 8]} Explanation : The extracted 3 length dictionary value list.

Can you divide dictionaries in Python?

Python division operation on DictPython division operation can be performed on the elements present in the dictionary using Counter() function along with '//' operator.

2 Answers

The existing answers will work, but they're all essentially re-implementing a function that already exists in the Python standard library: operator.itemgetter()

From the docs:

Return a callable object that fetches item from its operand using the operand’s __getitem__() method. If multiple items are specified, returns a tuple of lookup values. For example:

After f = itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2].

After g = itemgetter(2, 5, 3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3]).

In other words, your destructured dict assignment becomes something like:

from operator import itemgetter  d = {'key_1': 'value_a', 'key_2': 'value_b'} key_1, key_2 = itemgetter('key_1', 'key_2')(d)  # prints "Key 1: value_a, Key 2: value_b" print("Key 1: {}, Key 2: {}".format(key_1, key_2)) 
like image 165
mintchkin Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 22:09


Problem is that dicts are unordered, so you can't use simple unpacking of d.values(). You could of course first sort the dict by key, then unpack the values:

# Note: in python 3, items() functions as iteritems() did #       in older versions of Python; use it instead ds = sorted(d.iteritems()) name0, name1, name2..., namen = [v[1] for v in ds] 

You could also, at least within an object, do something like:

for k, v in dict.iteritems():     setattr(self, k, v) 

Additionally, as I mentioned in the comment above, if you can get all your logic that needs your unpacked dictionary as variables in to a function, you could do:

def func(**kwargs):     # Do stuff with labeled args  func(**d) 
like image 33
Silas Ray Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Silas Ray