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<div> layer on top of PDF


So, the problem I face is like this: I have a layer, which it will be placed on top of a pdf on the page. The PDF is either using to embed, or iframe to include it. However, CSS style doesn't apply on PDF (because it is a plug-in? ). Therefore, even I put z-index:1000 for the , that layer still goes behind the PDF. any idea how to fix that?

here is th code:

<style type="text/css"> <!--#apDiv1 {     position:absolute;     left:543px;     top:16px;     width:206px;     height:223px;     z-index:1000;     background-color:#999999; } </style> <body>   <!-- embed the pdf  --> <object data="test.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="600" height="500" style="z-index:1" wmode="opaque">   alt : <a href="test.pdf">test.pdf</a> </object>    <!-- layer -->  <div id="apDiv1" >Whatever text or object here.</div> </body>