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Distributing an executable zip file with __main__.py, how to access extra data? [duplicate]

I'm doing a little program and I want to distribute it using this recipe:

  1. single directory with __main__.py in it
  2. zip this directory and adding a shebang on it #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. making it executable

The problem is that in this package I have also extra files (I'm using pygtk toolkit and I need images and ui xml files). When I try to access these files I have the error that the resource is unavailable (the path that I'm trying to open is something like file.zip/gui/gui.ui ).

How can I handle this situation?

like image 493
pygabriel Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 00:02


1 Answers

I figured out by myself, It's sufficient to use pkgutil.get_data to access the data inside a package.

like image 116
pygabriel Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 23:04
