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Displaying message when no results found in PHP MySQL search






I have a PHP search script which queries a MySQL database. Currently, when no results are displayed the script shows and error. How can I make it display a message like "No Results were found" when nothing is returned?

My PHP script is:



$searchSQL="SELECT * FROM links WHERE `title` LIKE '%{$query}%'  LIMIT 8";

while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($searchResult)){
    $results[]="<div class='webresult'><div class='title'><a href='{$row['url']}'>{$row['title']}</a></div><div class='desc'>{$row['description']}</div><div class='url'>{$row['url']}</div></div>";

echo implode($results);

like image 347
Callum Whyte Avatar asked Jun 25 '11 19:06

Callum Whyte

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2 Answers

if (empty($results)) { 
    echo 'No results found'; 
} else {
    echo implode($results);
like image 197
Sjoerd Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09


Create a MYSQL Connection and paste this code below

$sql="SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE columnname LIKE your variable or constant ";


if($count>=1){if result was found}

else {if result was not found}

like image 29
Heart Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
