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Displaying Large Text Files via Ajax/dojo





I want to display to a user a large text file (100MB Log Files specifically) via a web interface without requiring the user to have to download the entire file. Obviously returning the entire file to someones web browser would not be sensible, so my theory was to used Ajax to fetch portions of the file depending on the user scrolling through the file, similar to the way Google Maps provides a "window" of the map.

My application server is PHP, and I fairly sure I can perform the appropriate seeks and reads through the file and return the results via XHR to application, but my Ajax framework is dojo and I can't think of any standard dijit that would work and am trying to figure out how best it would be to impliment something.

Should I derive my own widget? Is there already something out there that I am not aware of? If I build my own custom widget, what sort of structure should it take and are there any good resources for developing custom widgets for dojo/dijit? Any other thoughts?

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Kitson Avatar asked Oct 25 '22 22:10


1 Answers

This seems to be a tut on what you might need I would suggest that you use an li, because you will end up wanting to perform some actions on each line, most likely each line will be relevant.

Scrolling is nice, but you can also just blit the interface with pagination, meaning they click next page, previous page, and you fetch it, then update the view. That's the easiest method. With scrolling, you'll need to get more above and below the current visible lines for seamless scrolling.

For instance, if you want to show 25 lines, you'll need to fetch 25 + bottom pad on the first go, and define the lines showing in bottom pad as the threshold for signalling a new event to download an extra 25+ bottom pad items.

With a 100mb file, that's gonna get sluggish soon, so you'll have to clear out the previous entries, and define a new top pad to signal a request to get the reverse. That is to say, 1st req: fetch 25 + bottom pad, 2nd req fetch 25 + bottom pad remove prev 25 - top pad.

One thing to note is, when you do this, in firefox at least, it can tend to get wonky and not fire events after a few loads, so you may want to unbind/rebind your even listeners. I only say this because I have a friend who is currently working on something with similar functionality, and these are some of the issues he came across.

No one is going to complain that they have to click next page/previous page, it'll be fast and clean, but mess up your scrolling and no one will want to use your widget.

Here are some other resources on the topic: Old Ajax Scrollable Table -Twitter like load more tut - Good scrolling example, read the source - Check out this googlecode project

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J. Martin Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11

J. Martin