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Displaying <<..>>= in output




I want demonstrate a sample piece of R code WITH the knitr <<..>>= preamble in a LaTeX document. Here is an example of the output I desire:


It's got to be simple - but I'm missing something. I checked the documentation and scanned stack overflow - but without luck. Here is a MWE:

    <<mychunk, cache=TRUE, eval=FALSE, dpi=100>>=
    "hello world" 

Suggestions? I tried indenting the code in LaTex and wrapping in a verbatim block, but only got errors.

like image 236
John Leonard Avatar asked Nov 12 '12 13:11

John Leonard

1 Answers

I just checked the manual of knitr. This is how the package author solved the problem:

<<use-ext-chunk, echo=FALSE, comment=NA>>=
cat('<<Q1, echo=TRUE, tidy=TRUE>>=','@',sep='\n')

which produces the output as shown on page 9 of the knitr manual

Here is a minimal example:


<<use-ext-chunk, echo=FALSE, comment=NA>>=
  cat('<<Q1, echo=TRUE, tidy=TRUE>>=','@',sep='\n')


which produces the attached output.

enter image description here

like image 115
Christoph_J Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
