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Displaying headers and footers in a PDF generated by Rotativa

I'm trying to specify headers and footers in a PDF generated by Rotativa library. As the author answered here it should be possible using CSS (described here). However, I'm not able to do this.

I have a stylesheet loaded in the meta tag:

<link href="print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" />

And in the stylesheet at the bottom:

@page {
    @top-left {
        content: "TOP SECRET";
        color: red
    @bottom-right {
        content: counter(page);
        font-style: italic

And then generating PDF by:

public ActionResult ShowPdf()
     var model = new Model();
     return new ViewAsPdf("view.cshtml", model)
                    FileName = "Report.pdf",
                    CustomSwitches = "--print-media-type"

And then nothing appears in the header and footer of the PDF. Any ideas?

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bpiec Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 14:03


3 Answers

I've found a documentation of wkhtmltopdf (or a better archived version) and it is described there how to manage headers and footers.

Basically you can just add --header-center "text" (or similar switches) to the argument list and that's all.

So using it with Rotativa it would be:

public ActionResult ShowPdf()
     var model = new Model();
     return new ViewAsPdf("view.cshtml", model)
                    FileName = "Report.pdf",
                    CustomSwitches = "--print-media-type --header-center \"text\""

(I don't know if --print-media-type is necessary.)

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bpiec Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 15:11


If you wanted to display a View instead of text in the header/footer then you can do so like this:

public ActionResult ViewPDF()
      string customSwitches = string.Format("--print-media-type --allow {0} --footer-html {0} --footer-spacing -10",
                Url.Action("Footer", "Document", new { area = ""}, "https"));

     return new ViewAsPdf("MyPDF.cshtml", model)
                    FileName = "MyPDF.pdf",
                    CustomSwitches = customSwitches

public ActionResult Footer()
    return View();

Don't forget to add the [AllowAnonymous] attribute on the Footer action otherwise Rotatina can't get access to the path.

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Charly Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11


Here is how I did it (in full):

public ActionResult PrintPDF(int? selectedSiteRotaId, int selectedSiteId)
    string footer = "--footer-center \"Printed on: " + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "  Page: [page]/[toPage]\"" + " --footer-line --footer-font-size \"9\" --footer-spacing 6 --footer-font-name \"calibri light\"";

    return new ActionAsPdf("RenderPDF", new { selectedSiteRotaId = selectedSiteRotaId, selectedSiteId = 7 }) 
        FileName = "PDF_Output.pdf",
        PageOrientation = Orientation.Landscape,
        MinimumFontSize = 10, 
        //PageMargins  = new Margins(5,5,5,5),
        PageSize = Size.A3,
        CustomSwitches = footer

    //var pdfResult = new ActionAsPdf("RenderPDF", new { selectedSiteRotaId = selectedSiteRotaId, selectedSiteId = 7 })
    //    FileName = "PDF_Output.pdf",
    //    PageOrientation = Orientation.Landscape,
    //    MinimumFontSize = 10

    //var binary = pdfResult.BuildPdf(this.ControllerContext);

    //return File(binary, "application/pdf");

public ActionResult RenderPDF(int? selectedSiteRotaId, int selectedSiteId)
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "PrintPDF", new { selectedSiteRotaId = selectedSiteRotaId, selectedSiteId = 7 });
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t_plusplus Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 15:11
