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Displaying current year in tumblr theme




I want to place a copyright statement in the footer of my Tumblr theme something like "Acme Co © 2013" but i dont want to have to go in a update the year each year.

Normally with php this could be done using date() which would be fine, but although Tumblr is built on php i dont think end users can use it on the site, although there is a shorthand scripting language which i guess is compiled into php.

Any idea how i could do this ? I was thinking possibly with js but search bots don't have js so what would they see ?

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sam Avatar asked Feb 17 '23 12:02


1 Answers

There is a theme variable, that will display the span of years a tumblelog has existed - {CopyrightYears}

Returns: 20XX-2013

Reference: http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/custom_themes

like image 199
mikedidthis Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 23:02
