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display: run-in dropped in Chrome?



I have tried to use display: run-in in order to create a semantic and nice-looking metadata name-value list, liks this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Run-in description list test</title>
dt {
  font-weight: bold;
  display: run-in;
dt:after {
  content: ": "


    <dd>A Question</dd>
    <dd>Mr Smith</dd>


The expected result is

Subject: A Question
From: Mr Smith
Time: 2013-08-05

You can watch it live. (Actually, the idea to use display: run-in was given to me by Ian Hickson, after I started nagging about the di element from XHTML 2.0. One alternative is to use float, but that comes with a number of difficulties.)

Until recently, this worked wonderfully in every modern browser except Firefox (that is, it worked perfectly in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari (I think)). But very recently I discovered that it doesn't work in Google Chrome anymore.

Question: Has Google Chrome dropped support for display: run-in? Is there an alternative that works the same way?

like image 404
Andreas Rejbrand Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 20:02

Andreas Rejbrand

1 Answers

I'm not aware of any change to Chrome's support of display:run-in but the setting has always seemed unloved.

Hixie has been consistently opposed to <di> and I kind of understand why. HTML is a semantic language and the semantics are fully defined by dl/dt/dd. The only practical problems are presentational, and that makes it a CSS problem, not an HTML one.

Unfortunately, then current state of CSS doesn't seem up to the job. For dl/dt/dd, and for many similar problems, we really need a mechanism for wrapping groups of elements in a pseudo element which could then perform the role of the <di>.

Obviously, there is no current setting that does what display:run-in is supposed to do. Having said that, in your specific test case, you could achieve the same effect with this CSS:

dt {
  font-weight: bold;
  display: inline;
dt:after {
  content: ": ";
dd {
  display: inline;
dd:after {
like image 124
Alohci Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10
