I want to display multiple plots depending on the length of my predictors. I have created two list and then used grid.arrange
function to display the plots within these lists, but I am getting the following error message -'only 'grobs' allowed in "gList"
. Even when I try to use only one list say p, I get the same error message. Please help!
# dependent1 variable
# dependent2 variable
# predictor_vector is a vector of predictors
plot_output(data, dependent1, dependent2, predictor_vector)
for( i in 1:length)
p[[i]]<-ggplot(data, aes(y=dependent1, x=predictor_vector[i]))
g[[i]]<-ggplot(data, aes(y=dependent2, x=predictor_vector[i]))
do.call("grid.arrange", c(p, g, list(ncol=2)))
Posting as an answer only to show the example that's impossible in a comment.
The idiom you're trying to use is correct:
p <- list(ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg))+geom_point(col="black"),
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg))+geom_point(col="orange"),
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg, y=wt))+geom_point(col="blue"))
g <- list(ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg))+geom_point(col="red"),
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg, y=wt))+geom_point(col="green"))
do.call(grid.arrange, c(p, g, list(ncol=2)))
Two variable length ggplot object lists and then the parameter list. You need to provide the data and a more complete loop for us to know how to help you figure out what you're doing incorrectly.
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