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Display <Key> over 2 <Row> in CustomKeyboardView?

I made custom keyboards for my application based on this amazing research from Marteen Pennings : http://www.fampennings.nl/maarten/android/09keyboard/index.htm

It's working great.

I want to display a OK key in the same way the 'Enter' key is built on most hardware keyboard : big and 2 rows height.

Any idea on how to do that ? Setting the key height to be double height is not working, the key is half displayed outside the screen (bottom).

EDIT: My keyboard bottom rows

    <Key android:codes="87"    android:keyLabel="W" android:keyWidth="10%p" android:horizontalGap="20%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="88"    android:keyLabel="X" android:keyWidth="10%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="67"    android:keyLabel="C" android:keyWidth="10%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="86"    android:keyLabel="V" android:keyWidth="10%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="66"    android:keyLabel="B" android:keyWidth="10%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="78"    android:keyLabel="N" android:keyWidth="10%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="-6"    android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_done_48" android:keyWidth="20%p"/>
<Row >
    <Key android:codes="-5"     android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_delete" android:keyWidth="20%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="32"    android:keyLabel=" " android:keyWidth="50%p"/>
    <Key android:codes="-3" android:keyLabel="OK" android:keyWidth="30%p" />

I wish the left and right key of the last row expand on the upper row.

Edit : I post a picture to explain my distress : You can see the 'delete' key has empty space above and I want this delete key to claim it

Solved : enter image description here

like image 675
Poutrathor Avatar asked Apr 21 '15 14:04


1 Answers

Did you try to place your 'OK' key in 4th row intead of the last row and set it as double heigh?

like image 65
Christian Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
