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Display Dynamic EXECUTE Output Within pl/sql From sqlplus

How to get the dynamic select results of EXECUTE within PL/SQL from Oracle sqlplus?

I'm writing a simple sqlplus script to collect the sum of all NUMBER columns of a given table:


        CURSOR column_cur IS
                SELECT column_name FROM ALL_TAB_COLS
                WHERE owner = '&scheme_name' AND table_name = '&table_name'
                AND data_type = 'NUMBER';
        sql_query VARCHAR2(32767);
        sql_query := 'select ';
        FOR column_rec IN column_cur LOOP
                sql_query := sql_query || 'SUM(' || column_rec.column_name ||
                        ') "SUM(' || column_rec.column_name || ')", ';

        END LOOP;
        sql_query := substr(sql_query, 0, length(sql_query)-2) || -- remove trailing ', '
                ' from &scheme_name' || '.&table_name';
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_query;

The dynamically generated SQL statement, when executed, gives something like:

SUM(X) | SUM(Y) | SUM(Z) |
111    | 222    | 333    |

However, even with SET SERVEROUTPUT ON, running the sqlplus script gives only:

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
like image 609
Jerry Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 08:09


1 Answers

you will need to retrieve the result from your SELECT in order to display it. You would use the synthax EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_query INTO var1, var2.. varn. However in your case the number of columns is unknown at compile time.

There are a number of ways you could deal with this:

  1. you could use DBMS_SQL and loop on the columns of the output.
  2. you could build a column with all the results with a readable format like CSV of XML

I will demo 1:

SQL> DEFINE scheme_name=SYS
  2     sql_query VARCHAR2(32767);
  3     l_cursor  NUMBER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
  4     l_dummy NUMBER;
  5     l_columns dbms_sql.desc_tab;
  6     l_value NUMBER;
  7  BEGIN
  8     sql_query := 'select ';
  9     FOR column_rec IN (SELECT column_name
 10                          FROM ALL_TAB_COLS
 11                         WHERE owner = '&scheme_name'
 12                           AND table_name = '&table_name'
 13                           AND data_type = 'NUMBER') LOOP
 14        sql_query := sql_query || 'SUM(' || column_rec.column_name
 15                     || ') "SUM(' || column_rec.column_name || ')", ';
 16     END LOOP;
 17     sql_query := substr(sql_query, 0, length(sql_query) - 2)
 18                  || ' from &scheme_name' || '.&table_name';
 19     dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, sql_query, dbms_sql.NATIVE);
 20     dbms_sql.describe_columns(l_cursor, l_dummy, l_columns);
 21     FOR i IN 1..l_columns.count LOOP
 22        dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor, i, l_columns(i).col_type);
 23     END LOOP;
 24     l_dummy := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(l_cursor, TRUE);
 25     FOR i IN 1..l_columns.count LOOP
 26        dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor, i, l_value);
 27        dbms_output.put_line(l_columns(i).col_name ||' = '||l_value);
 28     END LOOP;
 29  END;
 30  /

SUM(DATA_OBJECT_ID) = 260692975
SUM(OBJECT_ID) = 15242783244
like image 76
Vincent Malgrat Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Vincent Malgrat