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Discuss the complexity of various python methods to obtain N largest elements from a list

I know of two approaches to it. The first one: documentation is here

heapq.nlargest(n, iterable, key=None)

and the second traditional approach of using sorted

sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=True)[:K]

The documentation mentions that these two are equivalent. However, I just wanted to know if the complexity of both are the same or if the first approach was implemented with lesser time complexity.

I remember from my algorithms course that obtaining top K elements from a list can be done in lesser order of operations compared to sorting the entire list and then going with picking the top K. Correct me if I am wrong

Edit: What standard python libs can perform this task in O(N) operations or what's the best complexity we can get from python?

like image 523
router Avatar asked Aug 27 '17 11:08


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2 Answers

I'm not a great mathematician, but I guess it should depend mostly on two things:

  1. relation between K and length of an iterable
  2. relation between amount of python and cpython code executed.

Generally you're right, and quick tests show the difference in numbers:

>>> timeit(stmt='sorted(i)[-100:]', setup='from random import seed,random;seed(666);i=[random() for _ in range(10000)]', number=1000)
>>> timeit(stmt='heapq.nlargest(n, i)', setup='from random import seed,random;import heapq;seed(666);n=100;i=[random() for _ in range(10000)]', number=1000)
like image 149
Violet Red Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10

Violet Red

There is more fast algorithm QuickSelect that does not perform full sorting - just makes partition, and has average complexity about O(N).

Thanks to @Violet Red comment: numpy.partition

Complexity of heap approach is O(NlogK), of sort approach is O(NlogN).

C++ STL contains method partial_sort that might execute faster that full sorting.

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MBo Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10