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Disconnect AWS IoT device after it's connected


I'm working on a web application where the user can login with AWS Cognito. After login with the AWS credentials I'm connecting to AWS IoT device like

var device = AwsIot.device({ 
    clientId: clientID, 
    host: host, 
    accessKeyId: credentials.accessKeyId, 
    secretKey: credentials.secretAccessKey, 
    protocol: 'wss', 
    sessionToken: credentials.sessionToken, 
    offlineQueueing: 'false' 

Then once the user logout from the app using AWS Cognito using


Then after logout I want to disconnect the the AWS IoT device as well. Right now I'm seeing even after the logout the device is listening to the events like

device.on('close', function() {}) 
device.on('error', function() {}) 
device.on('offline', function() {}) 

Can someone please specify which function should I call to disconnect the device as well so that it don't listen to these events as well.

I was going through the doc https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-js But I didn't got any specific function for this.

Moreover I used the AWS credential to connect the AWS IoT device, and once I logout from Cognito then the device should have been automatically disconnected as well I think. Please let me know what should be the approach here.

like image 507
Indranil Mondal Avatar asked Feb 16 '18 13:02

Indranil Mondal

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1 Answers

I got the answer from AWS IOT support team on this.

The AwsIot.device class is a wrapper for the MQTT class with helpers to assist with connecting to AWS endpoints To disconnect your device, you can call device.end(); This will close your connection and invoke device.on('close'). As for Cognito Sign-out. This will not invalidate the session credentials already provided by Cognito which were used to establish the connection. They will continue to be valid until their assume role time expires.

like image 178
Indranil Mondal Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Indranil Mondal