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Disallow call with any



Consider following function overloads:

function f(key: undefined);
function f(key: string | undefined, value: object | undefined);

I want to make eligible calls with single explicit undefined f(undefined), but require two arguments for all other cases. And overloads above work fine, until I pass a variable with type any - seems like any can be casted to undefined (yes, it seems logical as it is any).

How can I disallow call with single any argumnent?

Full demo code:

function f(key: undefined);
function f(key: string | undefined, value: object | undefined);

function f(key: string | undefined, value?: object | undefined) {
    console.log(key, value);

// No errors - RIGHT
f("", {});
f("", undefined);
f(undefined, undefined);
f(undefined, {});

// Errors - RIGHT

// No errors - WRONG
declare var x: any;
like image 745
Qwertiy Avatar asked Apr 19 '18 18:04


1 Answers

TypeScript really doesn't want to disallow any from matching a type, since that's the whole point of any. You might want to rethink any code which relies on rejecting any, so tread lightly.

That being said, you can use the new conditional types feature to build a detector for any which can then be used to disallow an any variable.

Here's the detector:

type IfAny<T, Y, N> = 0 extends (1 & T) ? Y : N; 

The type constraint 0 extends 1 is not satisfied (0 is not assignable to 1), so it should be impossible for 0 extends (1 & T) to be satisfied either, since (1 & T) should be even narrower than 1. However, when T is any, it reduces 0 extends (1 & any) to 0 extends any, which is satisfied. That's because any is intentionally unsound and acts as both a supertype and subtype of almost every other type. Therefore, IfAny<T, Y, N> checks if T is any. If so, it returns Y. If not, it returns T. Let's see it work:

type IsAny<T> = IfAny<T, true, false>
const yes: IsAny<any> = true;
const no: IsAny<string> = false;

Recall that I said any matches almost every other type. The only type that doesn't match any is never:

declare const any: any;
const never: never = any; // error, any is not assignable to never

We need that fact too, in order to reject any parameters. Let's change the first signature of f() from

function f(key: undefined): void;


function f<K extends IfAny<K, never, undefined>>(key: K): void;

We've made the key a generic type K that is constrained to IfAny<K, never, undefined>. If K is not any, then that constraint is just undefined, so K can only be undefined as desired. If K is any, then that constraint becomes never, and since any does not match never, it will fail to meet the constraint.

When we use the above signature, you see the following behavior:

f(undefined); // still works
f(""); // still error, "" is not assignable to undefined

declare var x: any;
f(x); // now error, any is not assignable to never

which is what you wanted.

Hope that helps; good luck!

like image 91
jcalz Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10
