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Disadvantages of PDO (PHP Data objects)




Everything I've read so far about PDO (PHP Data Objects) is almost too good to be true.

I mean:

  • Its faster then mysql or mysqli.
  • It has the same syntax for multiple database drivers.
  • with prepared statements it is secure for SQL injection.
  • you can fetch data directly into a object.

But what are the disadvantages of PDO?

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Mario Avatar asked Jul 08 '11 07:07


People also ask

Is PDO safer than MySQLi?

There is no difference in security. The main difference between PDO and Mysqli is that PDO supports various databases and mysqli supports only MySQL. MySQLi is also a bit faster. PDO supports 12 different drivers, opposed to MySQLi, which supports MySQL only.

What is the advantage of PDO over Mysqlli?

Both MySQLi and PDO have their advantages: PDO will work on 12 different database systems, whereas MySQLi will only work with MySQL databases. So, if you have to switch your project to use another database, PDO makes the process easy. You only have to change the connection string and a few queries.

Is PDO faster than MySQLi?

Performance. While both PDO and MySQLi are quite fast, MySQLi performs insignificantly faster in benchmarks - ~2.5% for non-prepared statements, and ~6.5% for prepared ones. Still, the native MySQL extension is even faster than both of these.

What is the advantage of PDO comparing to MySQLi?

The main advantage of PDO over MySQLi is in the database support. PDO supports 12 different database types, in opposition to MySQLi, which supports MySQL only. When you have to switch your project to use another database, PDO makes the process simpler.

2 Answers

Everything I've read so far about PDO (PHP Data Objects) is almost too good to be true.

I use PDO every day, and that's for a reason. I did write a wrapper over it though, because the default PDO instance does things I don't like (e.g. fail silently), and the API could've been a whole lot better. Configuration with constants is just not my default approach. Also, I've created some convenience methods.

Its faster then mysql or mysqli.

Is it? I don't know where you picked this up, and it might well be true, but I haven't heard of PDO being faster than the native MySQL libraries.

It has the same syntax for multiple database drivers.

Sort of. I use PostgreSQL a lot, and the code is different from when you're working with MySQL. This makes sense though, as PostgreSQL works with named sequences, while MySQL works with "auto increment", which is a sequence per table. There are differences between databases that PDO can not abstract, even if it's just for database access.

with prepared statements it is secure for sql injection.

You can prepare statements with mysqli too, so I don't see this as a definitive upside. I do generally use prepared statements though, and I like the :field syntax PDO provides.

But where are the disadvantages of PDO, something that has so many pros must also have a contra.

The API is less than intuitive for me, I think the API of mysqli makes more sense. Nevertheless, if you write a wrapper for it yourself, it's a very decent library. Here's the wrapper I wrote to make using PDO a little bit more sane, there are many more examples drifting on the internet though.

EDIT: Oh, and James Anderson is right; it has poor Oracle support. I don't use Oracle, so I don't see that as a huge downside though.

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Berry Langerak Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10

Berry Langerak

Bind mechanism doesn't work with column or table names.

Simple examples:

CREATE TABLE :bar (rowId int)

SELECT :foo FROM :bar

On the bright side, this is not something you often need or want to do.

But when you do... PDO leaves you hanging. The solution is manually concating together your query strings while doing by-hand escaping:

$foo = some_escape_logic( $dirtyFoo );
$bar = some_escape_logic( $dirtyBar );

$db->query( "SELECT {$foo} FROM {$bar}" );

SQL results always returned as strings

fetch() returns an array of string values, even if the SQL table types are numeric. For example, a table with bigint/string/bigint columns returns:

array( 'rowId' => '1', 'name' => 'Fred', 'age' => '12' );

instead of:

array( 'rowId' => 1, 'name' => 'Fred', 'age' => 12 );

As a positive, you'll never lose precision from a mismatch between PHP and SQL types. The type juggling in PHP also ensures that you'll seldom even notice that the data was originally encoded as strings.

As a negative, this can be a pain when passing DB results to something like json_encode(), since you'll end up with the numeric values quoted:

{ "rowId": "1", "name": "Fred", "age": "12" }

instead of

{ "rowId": 1, "name": "Fred", "age": 12 }

In an ideal world, auto-casting output types from fetch() would be controllable via an optional argument.

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nsanders Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
