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Disadvantage of using boost library? [closed]



is there Disadvantage of using boost library?

For instance, The output binary file will be larger. or the performance is slightly lower than custom library.

Because Some large project doesn't use boost library instead of their own. So I'm thiking there 's reason why they don't use boost library.

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Sungguk Lim Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 02:03

Sungguk Lim

1 Answers

A few points:

  • In general a dependency on a library or set of libraries is always a problem. It makes you have to shuffle around more code, it complicates cross platform building, it can complicate deployment etc. Often it's worth the effort since boost is solid cross platform code but sometimes it's not.
  • Boost uses a lot of templates. This is powerful but it can also be a source of hard to understand compilation errors etc. If you are working with old fashioned developers it may be better to work with a less modern subset of c++ just to make sure everyone is on board with how to fix the problems that show up.
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Laserallan Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 17:03
