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Disabling specific error messages for Javascript in VSCode?

I'm using class properties (static and normal) and decorators in JavaScript. Is there a way to either enable other ES stages for code highlighting or disable the specific error messages for them?

VSCode tells me that I can use class properties only in TypeScript, so it seems to recognize them.

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K.. Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 10:04


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2 Answers

You can disable JavaScript build-in validation with "javascript.validate.enable": false in settings.json and then enable either ESLint or JSHint extensions to fine-tune errors and validations. Read more here.

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Jurijs Kovzels Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Jurijs Kovzels

Please note that incase your javascript is written within tags in html, the setting is called "html.validate.scripts": false.

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Kjell van Straaten Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Kjell van Straaten