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Disabling notifications also disables toast on Oreo



On Android O, when disabling notifications for an app, not only for specific channel (or channels) but for the whole app, all Toast messages within the app won't display anymore. Is this normal? BTW, I'm not missing the .show() call or anything else, the same running app displays a toast even with disabling notifications for the app when running on Android < Oreo but not when running on Oreo:

Toast.makeText(getContext(), "TOAST", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Does anyone knows if this is a bug or part of the changes on Oreo? I don't see anything specific mentioning that on the Android website.


This other question here is not the same because it is asking for an alternative to Toast. I'm asking if it is a known bug or part of the Oreo changes. Seems like the correct answer is Redman's answer and the Google Issue on the Issue Tracker that he posted. It is a bug that seems to be not resolved yet. (the issue is not referenced on the other question).

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Hugo Allexis Cardona Avatar asked Jun 07 '18 13:06

Hugo Allexis Cardona

1 Answers

Is this normal?

Yes ,this is normal behaviour (or a bug in android may be) .

better use SnackBar instead of Toast

Check this on Google issue tracker https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36951147

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Manohar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09
