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disabling navlink react router

I am using react router in and I want to disable the to attribute in a certain state. I passed empty string, but that doesn't disable the link instead it takes to the base route of the page. I even tried to pass null but that breaks the code. Is it even possible to do so?

<NavLink className="nav-link" to={this.state.role == 4 ? "/pages" : ""}></NavLink>
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Rizvan Avatar asked Mar 15 '18 10:03


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How do I turn off NavLink in react router?

You could try disabling the button with a custom click handler. Show activity on this post. Show activity on this post. React actually throws a warning if you set href to a boolean, but just leaving the href prop unspecified does the trick as well.

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In ReactJS, there are three different kinds of links. These are NavLink , Link , and a links, and they all serve different purposes. NavLink : This is used when you want to highlight the current or active link. This is used with the activeClassName attribute, which enables it.

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1 Answers

You could try disabling the button with a custom click handler.

handleClick = (e) => {
    const { linkDisabled } = this.state
    if(linkDisabled) e.preventDefault()

render() {
    return (

You might want to add some css for when the button is disabled

Alternatively you could just not show the button at all

    this.state.linkDisabled ? 
        null :
        <NavLink className="nav-link" to="/pages"></NavLink>
like image 142
Stretch0 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
