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Disabling Google Map 'click' event in area occupied by OverlayView div

I'm making a google map (v3) mashup where there is a map listener for a click event.

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) {addMarker(event)});

This click event on the map results in creating a new marker. However, I am also building a OverlayView (in the floatPane of the google map) with a jQuery button upon clicking a marker.

markerDialogOverlay.prototype.onAdd = function()
    var divToAdd = document.createElement('div');
    divToAdd.id = 'markerHelper';
    divToAdd.title = 'Edit Marker';
    this.div = divToAdd;

    var panes = this.getPanes();

    this.jqdiv = $('#markerHelper');

markerDialogOverlay.prototype.draw = function()

    overlayProjection = this.getProjection();

    var posxy = overlayProjection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.marker.getPosition());

    this.jqdiv.css({ 'z-index': '1',
                   'left': posxy.x + 'px',
                   'top': posxy.y + 'px',
                   'position' : 'absolute'});

    this.jqdiv.append($('<button id="deleteMarker">Delete</button>').button().click(function(){deleteLocation(this.marker)}).hide().fadeIn('slow'));


Upon clicking the jQuery button, both the jQuery button click event and the google map click event are fired, but I want just the jQuery button click to be fired.

I still want to enable the map click event just not where the OverlayView div is located. Any ideas on how to work around this?

like image 843
Evan Siroky Avatar asked Feb 26 '11 03:02

Evan Siroky

1 Answers

I searched a little harder in the google maps forum and found this topic: http://groups.google.com/group/google-maps-js-api-v3/browse_thread/thread/ef6e8e2942421bab/ff3739505eb833df?pli=1. Canceling the event propagation to the map solved the issue.

like image 154
Evan Siroky Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Evan Siroky