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Disabling Chrome Autofill

I have been running into issues with the chrome autofill behavior on several forms.

The fields in the form all have very common and accurate names, such as "email", "name", or "password", and they also have autocomplete="off" set.

The autocomplete flag has successfully disabled the autocomplete behavior, where a dropdown of values appear as you start typing, but has not changed the values that Chrome auto-populates the fields as.

This behavior would be ok except that chrome is filling the inputs incorrectly, for example filling the phone input with an email address. Customers have complained about this, so it's verified to be happening in multiple cases, and not as some some sort of result to something that I've done locally on my machine.

The only current solution I can think of is to dynamically generate custom input names and then extract the values on the backend, but this seems like a pretty hacky way around this issue. Are there any tags or quirks that change the autofill behavior that could be used to fix this?

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templaedhel Avatar asked Apr 01 '13 05:04


4 Answers

Apr 2022: autocomplete="off" still does not work in Chrome, and I don't believe it ever has after looking through the Chromium bugs related to the issue (maybe only for password fields). I see issues reported in 2014 that were closed as "WontFix", and issues still open and under discussion [1][2]. From what I gather the Chromium team doesn't believe there is a valid use case for autocomplete="off".

Overall, I still believe that neither of the extreme strategies ("always honor autocomplete=off" and "never honor autocomplete=off") are good.


They are under the impression that websites won't use this correctly and have decided not to apply it, suggesting the following advice:

In cases where you want to disable autofill, our suggestion is to utilize the autocomplete attribute to give semantic meaning to your fields. If we encounter an autocomplete attribute that we don't recognize, we won't try and fill it.

As an example, if you have an address input field in your CRM tool that you don't want Chrome to Autofill, you can give it semantic meaning that makes sense relative to what you're asking for: e.g. autocomplete="new-user-street-address". If Chrome encounters that, it won't try and autofill the field.


Although this "suggestion" currently works for me it may not always hold true and it looks like the team is running experiments, meaning the autocomplete functionality could change in new releases.

It's silly that we have to resort to this, but the only sure way is to try and confuse the browser as much as possible:

  • Name your inputs without leaking any information to the browser, i.e. id="field1" instead of id="country".

  • Set autocomplete="do-not-autofill", basically use any value that won't let the browser recognize it as an autofillable field.

Jan 2021: autocomplete="off" does work as expected now (tested on Chrome 88 macOS).

For this to work be sure to have your input tag within a Form tag

Sept 2020: autocomplete="chrome-off" disables Chrome autofill.

Original answer, 2015:

For new Chrome versions you can just put autocomplete="new-password" in your password field and that's it. I've checked it, works fine.

Got that tip from Chrome developer in this discussion: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=370363#c7

P.S. Note that Chrome will attempt to infer autofill behavior from name, id and any text content it can get surrounding the field including labels and arbitrary text nodes. If there is a autocomplete token like street-address in context, Chrome will autofill that as such. The heuristic can be quite confusing as it sometimes only trigger if there are additional fields in the form, or not if there are too few fields in the form. Also note that autocomplete="no" will appear to work but autocomplete="off" will not for historical reasons. autocomplete="no" is you telling the browser that this field should be auto completed as a field called "no". If you generate unique random autocomplete names you disable auto complete.

If your users have visited bad forms their autofill information may be corrupt. Having them manually go in and fix their autofill information in Chrome may be a necessary action from them to take.

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tibalt Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 13:11


I've just found that if you have a remembered username and password for a site, the current version of Chrome will autofill your username/email address into the field before any type=password field. It does not care what the field is called - just assumes the field before password is going to be your username.

Old Solution

Just use <form autocomplete="off"> and it prevents the password prefilling as well as any kind of heuristic filling of fields based on assumptions a browser may make (which are often wrong). As opposed to using <input autocomplete="off"> which seems to be pretty much ignored by the password autofill (in Chrome that is, Firefox does obey it).

Updated Solution

Chrome now ignores <form autocomplete="off">. Therefore my original workaround (which I had deleted) is now all the rage.

Simply create a couple of fields and make them hidden with "display:none". Example:

<!-- fake fields are a workaround for chrome autofill getting the wrong fields -->
<input style="display: none" type="text" name="fakeusernameremembered" />
<input style="display: none" type="password" name="fakepasswordremembered" />

Then put your real fields underneath.

Remember to add the comment or other people on your team will wonder what you are doing!

Update March 2016

Just tested with latest Chrome - all good. This is a fairly old answer now but I want to just mention that our team has been using it for years now on dozens of projects. It still works great despite a few comments below. There are no problems with accessibility because the fields are display:none meaning they don't get focus. As I mentioned you need to put them before your real fields.

If you are using javascript to modify your form, there is an extra trick you will need. Show the fake fields while you are manipulating the form and then hide them again a millisecond later.

Example code using jQuery (assuming you give your fake fields a class):

// some DOM manipulation/ajax here
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);

Update July 2018

My solution no longer works so well since Chrome's anti-usability experts have been hard at work. But they've thrown us a bone in the form of:

<input type="password" name="whatever" autocomplete="new-password" />

This works and mostly solves the problem.

However, it does not work when you don't have a password field but only an email address. That can also be difficult to get it to stop going yellow and prefilling. The fake fields solution can be used to fix this.

In fact you sometimes need to drop in two lots of fake fields, and try them in different places. For example, I already had fake fields at the beginning of my form, but Chrome recently started prefilling my 'Email' field again - so then I doubled down and put in more fake fields just before the 'Email' field, and that fixed it. Removing either the first or second lot of the fields reverts to incorrect overzealous autofill.

Update Mar 2020

It is not clear if and when this solution still works. It appears to still work sometimes but not all the time.

In the comments below you will find a few hints. One just added by @anilyeni may be worth some more investigation:

As I noticed, autocomplete="off" works on Chrome 80, if there are fewer than three elements in <form>. I don't know what is the logic or where the related documentation about it.

Also this one from @dubrox may be relevant, although I have not tested it:

thanks a lot for the trick, but please update the answer, as display:none; doesn't work anymore, but position: fixed;top:-100px;left:-100px; width:5px; does :)

Update APRIL 2020

Special value for chrome for this attribute is doing the job: (tested on input - but not by me) autocomplete="chrome-off"

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mike nelson Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 15:11

mike nelson

After months and months of struggle, I have found that the solution is a lot simpler than you could imagine:

Instead of autocomplete="off" use autocomplete="false" ;)

As simple as that, and it works like a charm in Google Chrome as well!

August 2019 update (credit to @JonEdiger in comments)

Note: lots of info online says the browsers now treat autocomplete='false' to be the same as autocomplete='off'. At least as of right this minute, it is preventing autocomplete for those three browsers.

Set it at form level and then for the inputs you want it off, set to some non-valid value like 'none':

<form autocomplete="off"> 
  <input type="text" id="lastName" autocomplete="none"/> 
  <input type="text" id="firstName" autocomplete="none"/>
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Fery Kaszoni Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 14:11

Fery Kaszoni

Sometimes even autocomplete=off won't prevent filling in credentials into wrong fields.

A workaround is to disable browser autofill using readonly-mode and set writable on focus:

 <input type="password" readonly onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');"/>

The focus event occurs at mouse clicks and tabbing through fields.


Mobile Safari sets cursor in the field, but does not show virtual keyboard. This new workaround works like before, but handles virtual keyboard:

<input id="email" readonly type="email" onfocus="if (this.hasAttribute('readonly')) {
    // fix for mobile safari to show virtual keyboard
    this.blur();    this.focus();  }" />

Live Demo https://jsfiddle.net/danielsuess/n0scguv6/

// UpdateEnd

Explanation: Browser auto fills credentials to wrong text field?

filling the inputs incorrectly, for example filling the phone input with an email address

Sometimes I notice this strange behavior on Chrome and Safari, when there are password fields in the same form. I guess, the browser looks for a password field to insert your saved credentials. Then it autofills username into the nearest textlike-input field , that appears prior the password field in DOM (just guessing due to observation). As the browser is the last instance and you can not control it,

This readonly-fix above worked for me.

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dsuess Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 13:11
