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Disable Tailwind on a div or component



Is there a way to disable Tailwind's Preflight on a specific div or component? For example a WYSIWYG editor, or wanting to migrate gradually to Tailwind.

like image 736
Anas Tiour Avatar asked Apr 05 '20 07:04

Anas Tiour

2 Answers

Search about 'unreset tailwind'.


  1. download file unreset.scss from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ixkaito/unreset-css/master/_unreset.scss

  2. copy it over to your tailwind.scss and namespace it under an unreset class.

.unreset { // paste unreset.scss here! }

  1. And then in your JSX, you can add that unreset class in:

div className="unreset" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.contents }}


like image 121
이상진 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


As far as i know it will always load the ui if can find similar classes. Some solution can be

  • Reducing its priority from other css, by putting it earlier from other css files in initial load.
  • you can config tailwind.config.js file in a way so that it only generates css that needed
  • wrapping css with extra identifier so that it can't collide with tailwind classes.
like image 1
Tanvir Rahman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Tanvir Rahman