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Disable scroll in console in eclipse when I'm not at the bottom


I'm using the eclipse console for long, fast-running logs.

I can't find a way to get this console to behave like all other consoles, i.e. if it is scrolled down to the end, then it should scroll automatically, and if not, it should stop scrolling.

Is there a way (configuration, plugin) to achieve this?

like image 980
Marcel Avatar asked Apr 03 '12 12:04


1 Answers

As of Eclipse Mars (4.5), and with the fix for this bug, what you're after is now the default behaviour.

That is, you no longer have to manually toggle the Scroll Lock button - scrolling up (e.g. with the mouse wheel, but also by clicking the scrollbar or even moving the cursor up inside the console) automatically turns scroll locking on, while scrolling down to (near) the bottom turns it back off.

Great for some scenarios, but I sometimes find myself wishing for the old behaviour back. It doesn't seem as though there's an option, though.

like image 165
Amos M. Carpenter Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 13:11

Amos M. Carpenter