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Disable Print Chart option only from HighCharts

I have a DotNetHighchart with the usual options Print Chart, Download as PDF etc etc.

I only want to remove the print chart option, which seemed like a breeze in previous versions of highchart by using

.SetExporting(new Exporting
    Buttons = new ExportingButtons
       PrintButton = new ExportingButtonsPrintButton 
          Enabled = false

But for reasons unbeknown to me the updated highcharts module only allows for one class within ExportingOptions...

        .SetExporting(new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Exporting
            Buttons = new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.ExportingButtons
                ContextButton = new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.ExportingButtonsContextButton


Which when set to Enabled=False disables ALL of the menu items which seems silly, meaning it's probably a gap in my own knowledge.

What am I missing here?

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bjjrolls Avatar asked Aug 04 '16 15:08


1 Answers

I am not sure where you are getting printButton from but this is how you would do it. You create a Highcharts.setOptions javascript block and add in the exporting code:

   global: {
     useUTC: false
   exporting: {
     buttons: {
       contextButton: {
         menuItems: [{
           text: 'Export to PNG (small)',
           onclick: function() {
               width: 250
         }, {
           text: 'Export to PNG (large)',
           onclick: function() {
           separator: false

This creates only 2 export buttons. To change the type of the export please ready up further on exportChart() code. Then you have your chart code later down the page. I would not put the setOptions in the document ready section. I would put your actual chart in document ready. Working fiddle.

Option 2 Suppose you know that the default export menu items are always going to be in the order they are in right now. Then you can get the export menu items:

var theExportOptions = Highcharts.getOptions().exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems;

Now, remove the "print" section:

theExportOptions.splice(0, 1);

Close, but we still have a weird divider there. So, now remove it:

theExportOptions.splice(0, 2);

This seems OK. But, you have to put this bit of code in javascript before you load any chart. I don't like this option because you are dependent on HighCharts always having the same order/amount of export options.

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wergeld Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09
