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Disable "inspect popup" menu entry in chrome extensions

I want to disable the "Inspect popup" menu option in an extension I'm working on. How can I do that? I now it's possible because I have some extensions installed that have this option disabled (e.g. "Send to Kindle" by klip.me).

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sica07 Avatar asked Oct 12 '13 10:10


1 Answers

The "Inspect popup" option is only available when:

  1. Developer mode is activated (at chrome://extensions/).
  2. The button has a popup associated (either via default_popup in the manifest file, or via chrome.browserAction.setPopup).

When requirement 1 is not met, the "Inspect popup" option is invisible.
When requirement 2 is not met, the "Inspect popup" option is disabled (greyed out).

The example you're referring to ("Send to Kindle") has no popup, failing criteria 2, hence it has no "Inspect popup" option.

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Rob W Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10

Rob W