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Disable changing email in Firebase

Firebase allows users to change their email client side with

firebase.auth().currentUser.updateEmail("[email protected]")

However, I would like to disable this feature entirely - obviously, I offer no way to access it on my app by default, but if an attacker managed to trick the user into install a Chrome extension or otherwise was able to access client credentials, I would always want it to fail if possible.

Is there anywhere on the Firebase auth console where I can change this functionality or a Cloud function that would stop users from changing their email?

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nEKN53 Avatar asked Oct 18 '18 20:10


People also ask

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To change the support email, the email you want to use needs to be a member of your Firebase project. If you need to add a member, you can select the Add member option. In case you want to use a custom domain, you might have to create a new Google account for that email upon accepting the invitation confirmation email.

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1 Answers

At this moment in time, I do not see anything in the console or otherwise to disable this functionality. As it stands, there are only two Cloud Functions available for Firebase Auth events - user creation and deletion, so that would probably not be applicable to this use case either. The only thing I can think of is to just use the Admin SDK and your own API / backend to facilitate custom authentication for this scenario.

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Cameron Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
