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Disable Android GridView highlighting completely (disable selection)

I'm trying to disable the highlighting of objects in a GridView in Android 2.2.

I found this other answer saying that I should set the selector to a transparent ColorDrawable (android:listSelector="@android:color/transparent"), but the views in my GridView are still dimmed when I select them.

I'm just using the GridView to display static objects in a grid. None of these objects will be selected. Would it be better to just use a basic view and draw my images manually?

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Kenny Avatar asked Jul 01 '10 16:07


2 Answers

In the definition of your Adapter for the GridView, you will have to override the following methods:

public boolean areAllItemsEnabled()
    return false;

public boolean isEnabled(int position)
    return false;

This will cause all of the items in your grid to be non-selectable, and will get rid of the highlight completely.

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Kenny Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10


For keeping the items clickable you should use below attr. in your GridView xml:


See also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2866074/928591

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Maikel Bollemeijer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Maikel Bollemeijer