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Disable AccountChooser for Firebase Auth

I'm trying the new FirebaseUI for Web (https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-Web). But when I tried to login with Email, it redirects me to an AccountChooser website.

Is there anyway that I can turn off that AccountChooser?


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Dito Avatar asked May 22 '16 02:05


3 Answers

You can disable by adding an entry into the variable uiConfig in Firebase. You have to add this in the uiConfig variable:

'credentialHelper': firebaseui.auth.CredentialHelper.NONE

Here is an example of it inside uiConfig:

var uiConfig = {
    callbacks: {
        signInSuccess: function (currentUser, credential, redirectUrl) {
            return true;
        uiShown: function () {
            document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
    //Start it here 
    credentialHelper: firebaseui.auth.CredentialHelper.NONE,
    //End it here 
    signInFlow: 'popup',
    signInSuccessUrl: '<url-to-redirect-to-on-success>',
    signInOptions: [
        // Leave the lines as is for the providers you want to offer your users.
    // Terms of service url.
    tosUrl: '<your-tos-url>'

var ui = new firebaseui.auth.AuthUI(firebase.auth());
ui.start('#firebaseui-auth-container', uiConfig);
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My Name Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 19:11

My Name

If anyone isn't bringing in firebaseui (e.g. if you're using react-firebaseui), it could be helpful know thatfirebaseui.auth.CredentialHelper.NONE === 'none'

This answer was provided in this SO question: Disable account chooser FirebaseUI React Credit to @RafikTighilt and @JeffBergman

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John Henderson Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11

John Henderson

I am using /__/firebase/init.js and no explicit initialization and getting

firebaseui not initialized on ,'credentialHelper': firebaseui.auth.CredentialHelper.NONE

Solution, change the order of the statements:

  1. var ui = new ...
  2. var uiConfig = { ...
  3. ui.start('#firebaseui-auth-container', uiConfig);
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paulo carraca Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11

paulo carraca