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Directive with isolated scope and ng-model


I'm trying to write a directive which make use of isolated scope and ngModel directive.

When the model is updated in the directive the value of the caller is not getting updated.


<test-ng-model ng-model="model" name="myel"></test-ng-model> 


app.directive(     'testNgModel', [     '$timeout',     '$log',  function ($timeout, $log) {      function link($scope, $element, attrs, ctrl) {         var counter1 = 0, counter2 = 0;          ctrl.$render = function () {             $element.find('.result').text(JSON.stringify(ctrl.$viewValue))         }          $element.find('.one').click(function () {             if ($scope.$$phase) return;             $scope.$apply(function () {                 var form = angular.isObject(ctrl.$viewValue) ? ctrl.$viewValue : {};                 form.counter1 = ++counter1;                 ctrl.$setViewValue(form);             });         });         $element.find('.two').click(function () {             if ($scope.$$phase) return;             $scope.$apply(function () {                 var form = angular.isObject(ctrl.$viewValue) ? ctrl.$viewValue : {};                 form.counter2 = ++counter2;                 ctrl.$setViewValue(form);             });         });          $scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function (current, old) {             ctrl.$render()         }, true)     }      return {         require: 'ngModel',         restrict: 'E',         link: link,         //if isolated scope is not set it is working fine         scope: true,         template: '<div><input type="button" class="one" value="One"/><input type="button" class="two" value="Two"/><span class="result"></span></div>',         replace: true     };  }]); 

Demo: Fiddle

If the isolated scope is not set it works fine: fiddle

like image 723
Arun P Johny Avatar asked Aug 31 '13 10:08

Arun P Johny

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1 Answers

As discussed in the comments, it is generally not recommended to use a child scope (scope: true or scope: { ... }) with ng-model. However, since Arun needs to create additional scope properties, scope: true can be used with an object, not a primitive. This leverages prototypical inheritance, so $parent is not neeed:

<test-ng-model ng-model="someObj.model" ...> 


like image 158
Mark Rajcok Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Mark Rajcok