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direct access database vs web service [closed]

What are the pros and the cons when we have the choice between using direct database access or using web services?

What would be your choice for a critical application that should be responsive (<0.5 sec) and with a low call to this webservice/DB (NB: the web service will be maintained by another team).

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Toto Avatar asked Oct 07 '09 09:10


People also ask

What is the difference between a web service and database?

But with the web service between the user and the database, the connection to the database is more secure since the user cannot directly access it. (Except for the functionality you provide through the web service.)

Should I use a database or web service for my App?

A web service can act as the single steward of the data. You'll get away with going directly against the database when it's just your app, but if other apps come along and require the same data you'll increase the chances that they'll need schema changes some day. Those changes will affect your app as well.

Which is faster-a webservice or a database?

Obviously, a direct database access will always be faster in simple scenarios. With a WebService, you gain flexibility :

Is it safe to give users direct access to the database?

Giving users direct access to the db poses risks. Both approaches open the door to exploiting desktop dll's to connect to db outside of application context (Multiple times I've seen cases where there is a common data access class that all functional operations use. And of course, this components initializes all the connection information.

2 Answers

Direct database access couples you tightly to the schema. Any changes on either end affects the other. But it's got the virtues of being simple and requiring one less network hop.

A web service means better abstraction and looser coupling via one additional level of indirection. A web service can act as the single steward of the data. You'll get away with going directly against the database when it's just your app, but if other apps come along and require the same data you'll increase the chances that they'll need schema changes some day. Those changes will affect your app as well. The cost is more latency.

A web service can be a good place to centralize authorization and security. A database can do this as well, so perhaps it's a wash.

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duffymo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Obviously, a direct database access will always be faster in simple scenarios.

With a WebService, you gain flexibility :

  • plug-in a different implementation,
  • when several applications need access to the same data, make one responsible for that data, and have the other one access it through a WebService : you will have no data lag between the two ; and you can keep often-accessed data in memory in that application, instead of using the database to communicate between applications....

Given your context of responsiveness (with possibly a problem with the other team), I would try to go the direct database access route, unless several applications need to share the data...

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KLE Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09