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Dir Function in Excel 2010 VBA not working

I am trying to loop through a given directory to find the latest downloaded csv file. For some reason my Dir function won't find any file even if the file does exist. I am not totally familiar with VBA so i may perhaps be missing some sort of reference to perform the Dir function, but I can't find anything online that tells me I need to. All the examples and forums use Dir just like I do, but I can't get mine to work. Here is the code, please tell me if you can see what I am doing wrong:

Public Function Get_File() as string
   Dim filePath As String

   ChDir ("..")
   filePath = CurDir
   'Goes back to Documents directory to be in same directory as macro
   ChDir (filePath & "\Documents")
   filePath = filePath & "\Downloads\test.txt" 
   filePath = getLatestFile(filePath)

   Get_File = filePath
End Function

Public Function getLatestFile(pathToFile As String) As String
   Dim StrFile As String
   Dim lastMod As Variant
   Dim nextMod As Variant
   Dim lastFileName As String

   StrFile = Dir(pathToFile)
   lastFileName = StrFile
   lastMod = FileDateTime(StrFile)
   While Len(StrFile) > 0
       Debug.Print StrFile
       StrFile = Dir
       nextMod = FileDateTime(StrFile)
       If nextMod > lastMod Then
           lastFileName = StrFile
           lastMod = nextMod
       End If

   getLatestFile = lastFileName
End Function

The test.txt file is in my Downloads file and the filePath string prints out to be the correct path, but I keep getting an error stating that it can't find the file. It fails at the first use of Dir(pathToFile). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 301
derigible Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 17:07


1 Answers

Dir() only returns the filename portion of the path, i.e., it does not return the folder portion. For example,


returns MyFile.txt not C:\MyPath\MyFile.txt

like image 135
mwolfe02 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
