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dijit/layout/ContentPane on resize end?

I am now using dojo 1.8.3 and now have a BorderContainer with 2 ContentPane on my page. I would like to listen the resize event, the code like this

    dojo.connect(dijit.byId("Container"), "resize", function(changeSize, resultSize){
        // do my stuff here...

However, is there anyway to let me know if the resize (splitting) is end? Please advice, thanks!

like image 900
Steve Lam Avatar asked Jun 19 '13 04:06

Steve Lam

Video Answer

1 Answers

First of all, I'd recommend using "modern dojo", since you're using dojo 1.8 anyway. dojo/connect is deprecated and the way to "monitor" function calls is now by using dojo/aspect.

So you'd end up with something like:

require(["dojo/ready", "dojo/aspect", "dijit/registry"], function(ready, aspect, registry) {
    ready(function() {
        aspect.after(registry.byId("Container"), "resize", function() {
            // do something after resize has been called...

If you want to have access to the arguments that have been passed to the resize function, call aspect.after with true as the last argument like:

aspect.after(registry.byId("Container"), "resize", function(changeSize, resultSize) {
    // do something with changeSize and resultSize after resize has been called...
}, true);
like image 114
James Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09
