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Digest authentication using Javascript XMLHttpRequest

I'm trying to authenticate with an API that uses Digest authentication.

I am sending a POST request to the server but the response returned is HTTP 401 Denied. This is the WWW-Authenticate challenge header from the server:

(backslashes included for formatting, not present in response header)

WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="Guard", domain="/", \ 
  nonce="MTMzOTA5Mjk1NTE2NDo0NzY2NjJiOTgyMjE1ZDc0OWU3NzM5MTkzMWNjNGQzNw==", \ 
  algorithm=MD5, qop="auth"

Using parameters from this header I apply the digest authentication algorithm and build the challenge reply header:

const HA1 = MD5("login:Guard:mypassword");
const HA2 = MD5("POST:/");

const authHash = MD5(
  HA1 + ':' + unquotes(tokensObj["nonce"]) + ':' +
  tokensObj["nc"] + ':' + tokensObj["cnonce"] + ':' +
  unquotes(tokensObj["qop"]) + ':' + HA2

const challengeReply = 'Digest username:"login"' +
  ', realm=' + tokensObj["realm"] + ', nonce=' + tokensObj["nonce"] +
  ', uri=' + tokensObj["domain"] + ', algorithm=' + tokensObj["algorithm"] +
  ', response="' + authHash + '"' + ', qop=' + unquotes(tokensObj["qop"])  +
  ', nc=' + tokensObj["nc"] + ', cnonce="' + tokensObj["cnonce"] + '"';

xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", challengeReply);

The header sent to the server:

Authorization: Digest username:"login", realm="Guard", \
  nonce="7d0c753c2fb4cdc9480403547952f1", uri="/", algorithm=MD5, \
  response="e9d8ad8f04e42672f2c21d70257c1072", qop=auth, nc=00000001, \

But this doesn't work, I still receive HTTP 401 Denied. The server digest authentication has been tested.

like image 626
Kalamarico Avatar asked Jun 07 '12 18:06


1 Answers

The mistake was specifying the username parameter with a colon, it should have been an equals sign (username:"login" vs username="login"):

Authorization: Digest username="login", realm="Guard", nonce="7d0c753c2fb4cdc9480403547952f1", uri="/", algorithm=MD5, response="e9d8ad8f04e42672f2c21d70257c1072", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="bd5fd9b093dccaa1"
like image 156
Kalamarico Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11
