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Different variadic template expansion

I want to prepare list of pairs of values from structure using variadic templates.

#include <vector>

struct foo
    foo(int a, int b)
        : a(a), b(b) {}
    int a;
    int b;

struct Msg
    std::vector<int> valueArray;    

template<typename... Args>
Msg func(Args... args)
    Msg msg;
    msg.valueArray = { sizeof...(args), (args.a)..., (args.b)... };
    return msg;

int main() {
    Msg msg = func(foo{1,2}, foo{3,4}, foo{5,6});

Msg which func will return will have valueArray = [3, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6].

Is there any simple way to expand variadic paremeters in a way, where valueArray will look like valueArray = [3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]?

like image 920
Xter Avatar asked May 09 '15 15:05


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What is Variadic template in C++?

A variadic template is a class or function template that supports an arbitrary number of arguments. This mechanism is especially useful to C++ library developers: You can apply it to both class templates and function templates, and thereby provide a wide range of type-safe and non-trivial functionality and flexibility.

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Template classes and functions can make use of another kind of template parameter known as a non-type parameter. A template non-type parameter is a template parameter where the type of the parameter is predefined and is substituted for a constexpr value passed in as an argument.

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Variadic templates are class or function templates, that can take any variable(zero or more) number of arguments. In C++, templates can have a fixed number of parameters only that have to be specified at the time of declaration. However, variadic templates help to overcome this issue.

1 Answers

The following is not as generic as I'd like to, but maybe it is sufficient for you:

template<typename Arr, std::size_t... Is>
Msg func2( const Arr& arr, std::index_sequence<Is...> )
    Msg msg;
    msg.valueArray = {
        sizeof...(Is) / 2,
        ( ( Is % 2 == 0 ) ? std::get< Is / 2 >( arr ).a
                          : std::get< Is / 2 >( arr ).b )... };
    return msg;

template<typename... Args>
Msg func(Args... args)
    return func2( std::forward_as_tuple( args... ),
                  std::make_index_sequence< 2*sizeof...(Args) >() );

Live example

like image 52
Daniel Frey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Daniel Frey