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Different sort algorithms visually performed [closed]

Any decent visualization of a couple different sort algorithms? I'm looking for something I can use in a demo, and willing to write my own (can't be that hard) but would prefer to use someone else's if I can.

NO applets though, the majority I'm finding are applets... Lightweight flash or canvas. I would like the following sorts:

  • Bubble
  • Selection
  • Insertion
  • O/E

Nice but not needed:

  • Merge
  • Quick
  • Heap
  • Raidix

Considering the lack of available ones, I wrote my own to answer this question.

like image 303
Josh K Avatar asked Sep 28 '10 02:09

Josh K

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1 Answers

I didn't like any of the ones available, so I wrote my own with a not-so-brief explanation to go along with it.

Sorts implemented:

  • Bubble
  • Selection
  • Insertion
  • Comb (with two alternate endings)
  • Shell
  • Quick
  • Heap
  • O/E
  • Radix


  • Random
  • Partially sorted
  • Reversed
  • Few values

Data sets:

  • Large (~250 elements)
  • Small (~50 elements, works well for slower browsers and excellent on mobile devices such as an iPhone or iPod touch)

I've tried to make sure the time differences are as accurate as possible, please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement.

like image 84
Josh K Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10

Josh K