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Different font sizes in the same annotation of matplotlib?

I need to annotate a pylab rectangle with few data lines - which are of different length. Searching through the matplotlib documentation, and Googling, I could not find a way to give different parts of an annotation different sizes.

The following snippet demonstrates the problem:

import pylab from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle pylab.rcParams['verbose.level'] = 'debug-annoying'   def draw_rectangle(lower, upper, entry):     ax = pylab.subplot(111)     r = Rectangle( lower, upper[0]-lower[0], upper[1] - lower[1],             edgecolor='k')     ax.add_patch(r)      textRank = str(entry['rank'])     textTeamName = entry['teamName']     textSubmissionDate = entry['submissionDate']     text = textRank + "\n" + textTeamName + "\n" + textSubmissionDate      ax.add_artist(r)     rx, ry = r.get_xy()     cx = rx + r.get_width()/2.0     cy = ry + r.get_height()/2.0      ax.annotate(text, (cx, cy), color='w', weight='bold', ha='center', va='center', size=14)  if __name__ == '__main__':     entry = {'rank': 22, 'submissionDate': '12/21/2012 4:58:45 AM', 'teamName': 'A very very very very very very very very very very long name'}     lower = [0,0]     upper = [1,1]     draw_rectangle(lower, upper, entry)     pylab.show() 

one rectangle with different length's data E.g., is there a way to have the annotation where the font size of 'teamName' is different than the font size of 'rank'?

Another problem is I could not find a way for the font size to correlate to the zooming:
I'm creating a treemap plot, namely, the pylab window is filled with different sized rectangles. If I want to create annotations for the different rectangles, the long data need to be of very small size (to stay within the respective rectangles' boundaries). However, I'd like the font size of the long data line to grow as I zoom in. treemap with annotations

like image 525
user1850727 Avatar asked Feb 01 '13 10:02


People also ask

What does Xytext in annotate function indicate?

xy: This parameter is the point (x, y) to annotate. xytext: This parameter is an optional parameter. It is The position (x, y) to place the text at. xycoords: This parameter is also an optional parameter and contains the string value.

1 Answers

Make your plot first, then use ax.annotate, iterating over your x coordinates, y coordinates, labels and fontsizes.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  X = [1,2,3,4,5] Y = [1,1,1,1,1] labels = 'ABCDE' sizes = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]  fig, ax = plt.subplots()  ax.scatter(X, Y)  for x, y, label, size in zip(X, Y, labels, sizes):     ax.annotate(label, (x, y), fontsize=size)  plt.show() 

plot with varying font sizes

like image 88
Bertil Johannes Ipsen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Bertil Johannes Ipsen