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Differences between CTP, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, RTM and Preview for Software Release?

It is quite intuitive that at least Gamma comes after Beta and Alpha.

But how about CTP, RTM and Preview releases? Which one comes first and last?

MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) is currently on Preview 5 release, but I am not sure if it is a release before Alpha or after Beta, CTP or RTM. Is it OK to use preview releases in production code?

What are the differences between those releases? I am particularly interested in knowing differences between

  • RTM
  • CTP
  • Beta
  • RC
  • Preview


It seems like everywhere each releases mean different things.

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dance2die Avatar asked Apr 10 '09 01:04


People also ask

What is the difference between alpha and beta release?

The first version in field release is usually called an alpha release, while a second release is called the beta. The product may be immature in the alpha release. Only critical tasks have been implemented with high quality.

What is RTM and beta?

Beta - Widespread release. Expected to be mostly stable, feature complete. RTM - Release to manufacturing. Final release of the product, the "Gold" release.

What is the RTM version of software development?

Short for release to manufacturing, RTM is a term used to describe the version of software first released to hardware manufacturers for bundling. The RTM process is beneficial in that it helps developers work out any bugs before general release via manufacturer refinement of the software.

What is alpha release in software?

An alpha release is a version of the product which has passed initial QA but for which no documentation or support is available. The primary audience for this release is the technically interested and module vendors. Issues may be submitted to support but no reply can be expected.

1 Answers

I've most commonly seen those terms used in the following ways

  • CTP (Community Technology Preview): Very much like "Show and Tell". Features are present to varying degrees and customer can get an idea of where the release is going
  • Beta: Features are mostly implemented but still have rough edges. Quality is fair at this point. The higher number beta, the higher the quality
  • RC (Release Candidate): Product believes it's ready to ship. One last chance for customers to provide feedback and find major blocking issues
  • RTM (Release to Manufacturing): Product is complete and ready to be shipped to customers
like image 149
JaredPar Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10
