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Differences between Android and iOS when using Google Analytics in PhoneGap 1.2.0

I've been trying to get Google Analytics to work in PhoneGap 1.2.0 over Android and iOS.

What are the main differences between Android and iOS when using Google Analytics in PhoneGap 1.2.0?

like image 576
Tim Avatar asked Nov 11 '11 13:11


1 Answers

The three main components required and the different parts for Android and iOS.

  1. GAP-alytics from phonegap-plugins

    • Android
      • GoogleAnalyticsTracker.java
      • analytics.js
    • iOS
      • GoogleAnalyticsPlugin.h / GoogleAnalyticsPlugin.m
      • GoogleAnalyticsPlugin.js
  2. Google Analytics from Google

    • Android
      • libGoogleAnalytics.jar (no source available)
    • iOS - these are included with the phonegap plugin for convenience
      • libGoogleAnalytics.a (no source available)
      • GANTracker.h
  3. PhoneGap from PhoneGap

    • Android
      • add <plugin name="GoogleAnalyticsTracker" value="com.package.path.to.class.GoogleAnalyticsTracker"/> to res/xml/plugins.xml file
    • iOS
      • In “Supporting Files/PhoneGap.plist” file add:
      • Plugins:
        • key = googleAnalytics (name used in the javascript) Value = GoogleAnalytics (name of Obj-C object)
      • External Hosts
        • ‘*’ (without quotes) as Item 0

NB: Remember that even though the iOS and Android versions have a phonegap-1.2.0.js file they are NOT the same file. The code is different and you can't just copy it between platforms. Make sure your app uses the appropriate version.

Android Javascript

window.plugins.googleAnalytics.start ("your UA code",       //UA-account ID
         function() { console.log("started") },             //successCallBack
         function() { console.log("didn't start") }         //failureCallBack

window.plugins.googleAnalytics.trackPageView (          //**NB**: NOTE CAPITAL 'V'
               "/Main Page",                                    //Page  (include /)
               function() {console.log("tracked page view")},           //successCallBack   
               function() {console.log("didn't track page view")}       //failureCallBack

window.plugins.googleAnalytics.trackEvent (
            "Contact",                                          //Category
            "Email",                                            //Action
            “John Smith”,                                       //Label
            0,                                                  //Value
            function() { console.log("tracked event") },        //successCallBack
            function() { console.log("didn't track event") }    //failureCallBack

iOS Javascript

window.plugins.googleAnalyticsPlugin.startTrackerWithAccountID(“your UA code”); 

window.plugins.googleAnalyticsPlugin.trackPageview(whichPage); //Note lowercase v in trackPageview.    

window.plugins.googleAnalyticsPlugin. googleAnalytics.trackEvent(
    “John Smith”
    function() { console.log("tracked event") },            //successCallBack
    function() { console.log("didn't track event") }        //failureCallBack

NB. the variable ‘whichpage’ MUST be preceded with a forwardslash (/). Android will let you away without this. iOS will NOT.

like image 51
Tim Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
