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Difference in mysql dump file size and database size

Hi folks I've a doubt in mysql file dump size and db size varies.

My DB size is 238MB and same DB's dump size is 297MB. Why this large variations?. Can any one explain this?.

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Hoja Avatar asked Dec 29 '14 08:12


3 Answers

The dump file is a text file. When you turn the internal data of a DB into text, there are many expansions:

  • Numbers that might be 4 bytes internally are written out as digits like 123456
  • Strings have quotes around them, and special characters in the strings may be escaped
  • There are commas between each column, and parentheses around the rows
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Barmar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09


When you run mysqldump, only data is dumped in SQL statements. Indexed are not copied. Indexes get rebuilt when the SQL is loaded into another server.

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praveen_programmer Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09


For a good normalized db, db size is significantly smaller than dump file.

Because the db uses a lot of numbers, I have a db with 200 mb dump, but only 80 kb in db.

As said by Barmar, during dump, numbers are converted into characters, 1234567891 uses 1 integer for storage, or 3 bytes, but 10 bytes for the characters.

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Isaac Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
