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Difference between \z and \Z and \a and \A in Perl




Can you please tell me the difference between \z and \Z as well as \a and \A in Perl with a simple example ?

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user3597719 Avatar asked Sep 11 '15 15:09


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2 Answers

\z only matches the very end of the string.

\Z also matches the very end of the string, but if the string ends with a newline, then \Z also matches immediately before the newline.

So, for example, these five are true:

'foo' =~ m/foo\z/
'foo' =~ m/foo\Z/
"foo\n" =~ m/foo\Z/
"foo\n" =~ m/foo\n\z/
"foo\n" =~ m/foo\n\Z/

whereas this one is false:

"foo\n" =~ m/foo\z/

They both differ from $ in that they are not affected by the /m "multiline" flag, which allows $ to match at the end of any line.

\a denotes the alert (bell) character; it doesn't have any additional special meaning in a regex.

\A matches only at the start of a string. Like \z and \Z, and unlike ^, it's not affected by the /m "multiline" flag.

All of this is documented in perlre, the Perl regular expressions manual page: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html.

like image 191
ruakh Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


  • \A matches zero characters at position 0.
  • \z matches zero characters at the end of the string.
  • \Z matches zero characters at the end of the string and at a trailing line feed.

  • ^ without /m is the same as \A.
  • ^ with /m matches zero characters at position 0 and after a line feed.
  • $ without /m is the same as \Z.
  • $ with /m matches zero characters at the end of the string and at a line feed.

  • \a matches the BEL/BELL character.
    • It is equivalent to \x07 on an ASCII-based machine.
    • It is equivalent to \x2F on an EBCDIC-based machine.

The following indicates the positions at which the relevant regex patterns will match ( indicates a line feed):

\A                       \A is not affected by /m
^                        ^ without /m              \A
^/m ^/m ^/m              ^ with /m                 \A|(?<=\n)
|   |   |
|   |   |
v   v   v
   ^   ^   ^^
   |   |   ||
   |   |   ||___
   |   |   |    |
   $/m $/m $/m  $/m      $ with /m                 \z|(?=\n)
           $    $        $ without /m              \z|(?=\n\z)
           \Z   \Z       \Z is not affected by /m  \z|(?=\n\z)
                \z       \z is not affected by /m

This is documented in perlre.

like image 21
ikegami Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10
