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Difference between Web Streams and Node.js Stream APIs

I'm building a file upload application to familiarize myself with the concept of streams. I'm trying to turn a file list or blobs into a stream then upload it to the backend and store it on the file system.

I had no issue with frontend and backend implementations respectively but I'm having a hard time connecting the two. My main problem is that I don't understand the difference between the Web Streams API and the Node.js Streams API. I managed to turn the blobs of selected input files in the browser into a Web ReadableStream but the packages I tried (axios for requests, socket.io and socket.io-stream for WebSocket) only accept the Node.js version Stream as arguments. I also could not pipe a Web ReadableStream into a Node.js Writeable or Duplex Stream. The method names are also different (e.g.: pipeTo or pipeThrough in Web API and pipe in Node.js API).

I know there are implementation differences between Node.js and browsers but naively, I thought the APIs would be similar. Can I somehow trivially convert between Web streams and browserified Node.js streams and I'm missing something? Does it worth using the Web Stream API over stream-browserify?

like image 808
bkiac Avatar asked Apr 15 '20 15:04


People also ask

What is the difference between node and filter streams?

Node is more like nodeJS while filter is just String function filtering out texts.

What is streams in node JS?

Streams are one of the fundamental concepts that power Node. js applications. They are data-handling method and are used to read or write input into output sequentially. Streams are a way to handle reading/writing files, network communications, or any kind of end-to-end information exchange in an efficient way.

Which of the following are the different types of Nodejs streams?

There are four main types of streams in Node. js; readable, writable, duplex and transform.

What is Web API in node JS?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. A Web API is an application programming interface for the Web. A Browser API can extend the functionality of a web browser. A Server API can extend the functionality of a web server.

3 Answers

It's not too difficult to convert a web stream to a Node.js stream manually, but you should really try to find a library that accepts native web streams instead of shoehorning a Node.js shim for the stream built-in into the browser with Browserify.

However, if it proves necessary to use a Node.js stream shim in the browser, you need to install stream-browserify and use like this:

import { Readable, Writable } from 'stream-browserify;'

// window.ReadableStream to Node.js Readable
const webRSToNodeRS = rs => {
  const reader = rs.getReader();
  const out = new Readable();
  reader.read().then(async ({ value, done }) => {
    while (!done) {
      ({ done, value }) = await reader.read();
  return out;

// window.WritableStream to Node.js Writable
const webWSToNodeWS = ws => {
  const writer = ws.getWriter();
  const out = new Writable();
  out._write = (chunk, encoding, callback) => {
  out._final = callback => {
  return out;

These methods should be enough to have full interop between web and Node streams. For example, if you want to pipe a web ReadableStream to a Node.js Writable/Duplex:

const pipeWebRSToWritable = (rs, writable) => {
  // After converting you can use the normal pipe methods

However I'd like to mention that you don't need a library to stream data from the client to the server. The fetch API natively supports web streams and is probably the way you should go.

// POST a ReadableStream (perhaps of a file) to the server
// Way easier and more performant than using a 3rd party library...
const postRSToServer = rs => fetch('/your/server/endpoint', {
  method: 'POST',
  body: rs

Last note: make sure you're directly using the Blob.prototype.stream method (call this on a File object, e.g. file.stream(), since File extends Blob). There are some ways to get a ReadableStream from a file in JS that actually end up loading all of the file into memory in the browser, which you don't want.

like image 144
101arrowz Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10


As per docs, since version 16, Node.js includes a (still experimental) implementation of the WebStreams API.

And the old Stream API has now (since v. 17) gained some toWeb/FromWeb methods to bridge both.

Some info here.

like image 39
leonbloy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10


For those (like myself) hitting this question in regard to the streams returned by node-fetch, note that undici is a web-compatible implementation of fetch that may eventually become the official node implementation.

Also, see leonbloy's answer RE the new toWeb/fromWeb methods, and WebStreams API.

like image 31
joe Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10
