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Difference between v-bind and {{}}?



I have an input field with the value field being passed a string stored in Vuex. The input fields changes are debounced and the new string synced to Vuex.

When bound like this :value="vuexState.myString, when typing, the cursor jumps to the end of the line.

When bound like this value={{vuexState.myString}}, the cursor stays where it is.

According to the guide: http://vuejs.org/guide/syntax.html#Arguments These two should be the same, with the {{ }} style being internally converted to :bind. Could this be a bug?

My theory is that the cursor jumping occurs because the vuex state change re-renders the input and that the {{ }} style is interpolated only once while the binding syntax re-renders the input every change.

I am currently using value={{vuexState.myString}} but I'd like to know what is happening or if there is a better way to do this.

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user2483724 Avatar asked Apr 01 '16 17:04


People also ask

What does V-bind mean?

The v-bind directive is a Vuejs directive used to bind one or more attributes, or a component prop to an element. If that attribute is binded to our data defined in Vuejs instance then dynamically changes can be observed as data changes.

Is V-bind two way?

The v-model directive makes two-way binding between a form input and app state very easy to implement. One can bind a form input element and make it change the Vue data property when the content of the field changes.

What is v-model vue3?

Vue v-model is a directive that creates a two-way data binding between a value in our template and a value in our data properties. A common use case for using v-model is when designing forms and inputs. We can use it to have our DOM input elements be able to modify the data in our Vue instance.

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The v-model is a two-way binding which means if you change the input value, the bound data will be changed. The v-model directive is used to create two-way data bindings on form input, textarea, and select elements.

3 Answers

It's in the documentation about Interpolation and has been deprecated (see. Migration guit from 1.x)


This is the old way

<div class="btn btn-primary hint--top {{class}}"></div>


Use Javascript expression instead:

<div v-bind:class="'btn btn-success hint--top '+ class "></div>
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Édouard Lopez Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10

Édouard Lopez

Take a look at the console, it seems like it has been deprecated in favour of the colon syntax or v-bind:

vue.js:2237 [Vue warn]: foo="{{foo}}": Interpolation inside attributes has been deprecated. Use v-bind or the colon shorthand instead. 
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Hector Lorenzo Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 13:10

Hector Lorenzo

v-text:'something' === {{something}}
like image 20
LiangWang Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 13:10
