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Difference between .ToString and "as string" in C#

What is the difference between using the two following statements? It appears to me that the first "as string" is a type cast, while the second ToString is an actual call to a method that converts the input to a string? Just looking for some insight if any.

Page.Theme = Session["SessionTheme"] as string; Page.Theme = Session["SessionTheme"].ToString(); 
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jaywon Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 08:01


People also ask

What is the difference between ToString and string?

Both these methods are used to convert a string. But yes, there is a difference between them and the main difference is that Convert. Tostring() function handles the NULL while the . ToString() method does not and it throws a NULL reference exception.

What is the difference between string and ToString in C#?

Both these methods are used to convert a value to a string. The difference is Convert. ToString() method handles null whereas the ToString() doesn't handle null in C#. In C# if you declare a string variable and if you don't assign any value to that variable, then by default that variable takes a null value.

How do I convert a number to a string in C#?

To convert an integer to string in C#, use the ToString() method.

What is ToString in C?

ToString is the major formatting method in the . NET Framework. It converts an object to its string representation so that it is suitable for display.

1 Answers

If Session["SessionTheme"] is not a string, as string will return null.

.ToString() will try to convert any other type to string by calling the object's ToString() method. For most built-in types this will return the object converted to a string, but for custom types without a specific .ToString() method, it will return the name of the type of the object.

object o1 = "somestring"; object o2 = 1; object o3 = new object(); object o4 = null;  string s = o1 as string;  // returns "somestring" string s = o1.ToString(); // returns "somestring" string s = o2 as string;  // returns null string s = o2.ToString(); // returns "1" string s = o3 as string;  // returns null string s = o3.ToString(); // returns "System.Object" string s = o4 as string;  // returns null string s = o4.ToString(); // throws NullReferenceException 

Another important thing to keep in mind is that if the object is null, calling .ToString() will throw an exception, but as string will simply return null.

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Philippe Leybaert Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Philippe Leybaert